Purified RNA is used as starting material in a variety of routine applications, such as RT-PCR, cDNA synthesis, Northern blotting, differential display, primer extension, and mRNA selection. Careful preparation of RNA is essential in order to obtain high-quality samples that are suitable for these applications, and can help to ensure reproducible and reliable experimental results.
Importance of High-Quality RNA
The quality of the RNA sample can have a significant impact on the sensitivity and specificity of the assay. Contaminants such as DNA, unwanted RNA species, proteins, and other substances can interfere with the reaction, leading to false negatives or false positives. RNA is also less stable and more prone to hydrolytic degradation when compared with DNA, which can affect the accuracy of the results. Thus, dependable methods for preparing high-quality RNA are of paramount importance.
Applications of RNA preparation kits
Our RNA preparation kits are suitable for the following routine applications:
cDNA synthesis
Northern blotting
Differential display
Primer extension
mRNA selection
Compatible Sample Types
Our RNA preparation kits are suitable for the quick and efficient isolation of total RNA directly from the following sample types:
Cultured cells
Cell-free liquid specimens (specifically, saliva and nasopharyngeal swabs)