Description EpiQuik 1 Kb DNA Ladder consists of 13 fragments: 300 bp, 500 bp, 700 bp, 1000 bp, 1500 bp, 2000 bp, 2500 bp, 3000 bp, 4000 bp, 5000 bp, 6000 bp, 8000 bp and 10000 bp. EpiQuik 1 kb DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use molecular weight marker suitable for DNA fragment size determination on gel electrophoresis. EpiQuik 1 kb DNA Ladder is formulated to run accurately and to provide crisp band patterns. It contains two dyes: bromophenol blue and xylene cyanole which serve as visual aid to monitor the progress of migration during agarose gel electrophoresis.
Applications For precise sizing of double-stranded DNA fragments from 300 to 10000 bp on agarose gels.
Storage Conditions -20ºC up to one year or 4ºC for one month.
Fig. 1. EpiQuik 1 Kb DNA Ladder Plus.